BDaaS - The journey inside of the organisation to elicit external development and growth


The foundation of the organic growth for the business is a value proposition that addresses the demand across the marketplace.


Products and services if required should reach out to the customer through the proper channels (direct, indirect: partnerships, alliances, economic clusters), with the suitable approach, frequency, and relevancy.


products and services should spread the value smoothly and in alignment with the customer journey specifics.


the current business development power in the marketplace can be characterized by a scarcity of human skills, industry insight, and agility of the organisational needs + budgets spiced with the strategies of continuous improvement and change.

Some challenges can be solved with hiring (good luck with time/cost and candidate’s retention). Some may be tackled with software (good luck with customer retention and intimacy).

IntFinite provides Business Development as a Service (BDaaS) across the entire lifecycle of the inward process maturity, sales execution, and customer success. This capability allows you to make quick moves in the execution of your BD strategies without compromises on time and quality.



Need another angle to make an important decision, support and complement it at the crucial stages of the org/business lifecycle and development? We offer 30 min free insight session into your business to reflect on your current business stage.

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